Date: February 20th,

Time: 11:00 AM (Lunch to follow)

Location: 26650 The Old Road #300, Valencia, CA 91381

Effortless Marketing for your Farm:

Automate, Engage, Grow.

Effortless Marketing for your Farm:

Automate, Engage, and Grow!


We will bring you to the next level of business.

Our Products

Full Farm

Target an entire geographic area with persuasive calls to action to sell, supported by quality content and market data.

24 12 24

Touches Months Days apart

Absentee Owner

Target homeowners who are 15%-20% more likely to sell with campaign messaging focusing on the pain points that these types of owners face when owning unoccupied homes.

24 12 24

Touches Months Days apart


I closed a 1300 sq ft house for $1.37 million. This is the price per square foot record for the area, and the listing came from Harvist campaign.

-Aaron Shrier

We're excited to feature this outstanding testimonial from our valued client, Jamie Barber. Jamie particularly loves the cost-efficiency and streamlined system of our touches, making it seamless and cost-efficient.

-Jamie Barber

Office: 27523 Wellington Ct, Valencia California 91354

Call (661) 209-7937


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